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Hybrid Publisher vs Vanity Publisher

Unless you’re an already established author, you may not have heard the terms “hybrid” and “vanity” publishers. Though they sound very similar, they’re not the same thing.

So-called “vanity publishers”. charge the author for everything included in publishing a book, from editing to cover to actual publishing, to requiring that a certain number of volumes be purchased. From pillar to post, as it were. You’ll often see them offering “deals” of a thousand US dollars or more for this “opportunity” that supposedly include editing, cover design, your purchase of a certain number of books, promises of a certain amount of success, marketing, etc.

They’ll also accept anything that is sent their way, no matter the quality of the work. For them, it’s all about the money, and not about producing a quality book. In addition, vanity publishers often charge for a book’s ISBN, while we provide our writers with one free of charge.

Hybrid publishers, on the other hand, are picky about what they accept for publication. They generally charge for some services, such as editing/cover design, but don’t require the author to purchase books as part of the agreement. They’re also not going to be charging you an arm and a leg for the services for which they do have a fee. They’ll be there for you before and after publication, helping with marketing your work.

Their success is dependent upon your success, and they know it.

In the end, whatever publisher you ultimately choose, even if it isn’t Converted Books, our advice is to stay away from so-called publishers who charge you a fee to publish your book, and give you promises of sales/success if you publish with them.

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