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Category: General

Good News, Everyone!

Work hasn’t stopped on the site, and things are going as smoothly as possible, it seems.

We’ve gotten to the point where we have author pages, book pages connected to their particular author, and now a Submission Guide for those authors and artists wanting to submit their work to Converted Books for consideration for publication.

If are you are someone who is looking for some freelance work in editing, marketing, etc., feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] for more information on how this would work. (Please note that these would be 1099-related positions where you would be responsible for your own self-employment taxes.)

Plans for Our Company – Gotta Start Somewhere, Right?

Converted Books is open to most genres, including (believe it or not) poetry.

For now, as you can see, we’re still in the building phase for the site, but eventually we will be accepting submissions. The submission guideline page will appear when we are ready for that phase of things. Upon reading those submission guidelines, if you feel we’re the right fit for you, we’d love to hear from you.

We’re a small publishing house, so we cannot afford to give advances (much as we wish we could), but we also want to do what’s right for the authors who choose to come here. At this point the plan is to be more of a hybrid publisher, offering consultation services, editing, and cover services for a reasonable fee.

Growing the Site

As the site’s a New Thing, it’s currently in the processing of being properly grown, which includes pruning bits that whilst they might seem good at the start, are discovered to cause issues, so they are carefully pruned away to allow things to grow as they should.

Sort of website bonsai, as it were.

Anyhow, I really appreciate your patience as the site progresses from its current bleeding raw state to something with just the right number of boughs, branches, and leaves.

The only pity here is there will be no giant pile of dead leaves into which we all might jump.

Welcome to Converted Books!

Welcome to Converted Books, your gateway to genre publishing.

Our publishing genres include Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult books, Children’s books, and more.

Yes, our publishing house’s name is new, but we’re certainly not lacking in publishing experience. Check out our About page for more information about our history.

We’ll keep you updated as our list of published work grows. Perhaps you’ll add your own creation to that list.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Converted Books - A division of Converted Networks LLC All Rights Reserved Copyright 2023