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Submission Guidelines

To submit your work, please follow these guidelines.  Deviation could result in your work being disregarded. Manuscripts submissions: We are currently accepting works in fantasy, sci fi, romance, children’s and young adult fiction. Be aware that we do not accept any submissions written with the use of, or any assistance from, Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Step 1: please submit the first 60 pages of your written manuscript as an attached WORD or PDF document file. The first sixty pages are what an average reader gives any author to “draw them in.” Your sixty pages should be typed, 1.5 spaced and in a common font, preferably Times New Roman.  When submitting your sixty pages, please also include a small biography explaining any background you may have in writing or in the topic for which you are writing.

Step 2: If we feel that your work is an example of what we are looking for, we will email you for the rest of your COMPLETED manuscript.  We only accept manuscripts that are finished.  When sending the rest of the your manuscript, please include a cover letter that explains if you feel the work is complete and fully edited or if you would like your potential book sent to one of our staff editors.

Step 3: If the entire manuscript is accepted, we will send you a contract for publication.  Please note that all authors who sign a publishing contract with us must agree to participate in our marketing plan for your book which includes, but is not limited to, podcast interviews, book signings, in-person and or virtual book talks. Book cover, children’s books and art submissions: Photographs and art work must be your original work or work of which you can clearly show ownership.

Send your submissions to [email protected].


You may expect a response from us within three to four weeks, so please be patient.